The eleventh series of ITV's "Love Island" premieres tonight, June 3, 2024, at 9 pm on ITV, ITV2, and ITVX. Hosted by Maya Jama, the show will run for eight weeks with a new cast of twelve singletons, including make-up artist Samantha Kenny, recruitment manager Munveer Jabbal, and semi-professional footballer Ronnie Vint, among others.

The Mallorca villa has been revamped with bold colors, featuring multiple outdoor seating areas, a hot tub, and a bright blue kitchenette. Inside, the dressing room and bathroom are equipped with make-up counters and skincare products, while the Hideaway boasts a "Naughty Vibes" theme.

"Love Island: Aftersun" and "Love Island: The Morning After" podcast will return, featuring hosts and new panellists such as Amy Hart and Chris Taylor. This season introduces new coupling formats and allows contestants to use The Hideaway anytime, potentially increasing romantic interactions.