Tom Hardy stars in the newly released trailer for "Venom: The Last Dance," concluding the superhero trilogy. The 46-year-old actor reprises his dual roles as Eddie Brock and the Spider-Man villain Venom. The teaser reveals that the duo will contend with an alien from Venom's home planet while being pursued by the government. The plot synopsis hints at a final, critical decision for Eddie and Venom.

The trailer showcases action-packed scenes including underwater battles, explosions, and a confrontation with an alien monster atop a plane. Juno Temple debuts as Dr. Payne, a scientist emphasizing the secrecy of alien life. Chiwetel Ejiofor stars as Orwell Taylor, a military soldier hunting Eddie and Venom, while Stephen Graham’s Patrick Mulligan and Peggy Lu's Mrs. Chen also make appearances. Rhys Ifans makes a brief cameo.

Initially unveiled by Tom Hardy last November via social media, he and director Kelly Marcel developed the story for the third film. "Venom: The Last Dance" is set to release in cinemas on October 25, 2024.