Trina McGee, known for her role as Angela Moore on the sitcom "Boy Meets World," has announced that she is pregnant at 54. McGee portrayed Angela Moore from 1997 to 2000, acting opposite Rider Strong's character, Shawn Hunter. She shared the news on Instagram, asking for prayers for a safe delivery and stating that she would be temporarily signing off social media.

McGee is already a mother to three children: two from her previous marriage to Courtland Davis and one from another relationship. She has been married to Marcello Thedford for 16 years. Apart from "Boy Meets World," McGee's career includes roles in 1990s series like "Martin," "Family Matters," and "The Sinbad Show," as well as the 1996 film "Daylight." Her most recent appearance was in the 2023 film "Classmates."

"Boy Meets World" aired from 1993 to 2000, focusing on the lives of teenagers navigating school and relationships, with Ben Savage and Danielle Fishel starring as the main couple, Cory Matthews and Topanga.