Clashes erupted between England and Serbia football fans in Gelsenkirchen, Germany, ahead of the teams' opening match in the Euro 2024 tournament. Riot police were called to manage the violence that broke out around 3.30 PM local time outside a bar on Arminstraße in central Gelsenkirchen.
According to eyewitnesses, tables, chairs, and bottles were thrown between the two groups of fans. Videos on social media depicted the chaos, showing fans hurling furniture and other objects. A man, believed to be English, was seen with a head wound and was led away by the police while receiving medical attention.
The situation escalated rapidly, with German riot police intervening to break up the fights. Approximately 200 officers arrived to control the disorder, eventually managing to disperse the crowd. Multiple fans were left with blood on their faces following the altercations. The exact cause of the initial outbreak of violence remains unclear.