The ongoing search for missing British teenager Jay Slater, 19, has entered its seventh day in Tenerife. Slater, from Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire, went missing after attending the NRG music festival. He was last seen early Monday morning leaving an Airbnb near the village of Masca to embark on an 11-hour walk back to his accommodation on the island's southern coast.

Jay's phone last pinged at 8:50 am near Rural de Teno Park, a rugged and remote nature reserve, where search efforts have been concentrated. Drones, helicopters, and rescue dogs are being used in the operation, led by the Spanish police and supported by local emergency services.

Jay's mother, Debbie Duncan, has traveled to Tenerife with her eldest son to assist in the search, expressing her distress and exhaustion over the disappearance. The search teams are also investigating a potential sighting of Jay with two men on Monday evening, adding a new dimension to the investigation.

Meanwhile, new video footage has surfaced on TikTok, showing Jay dancing topless in a nightclub on the night he vanished, sparking further concern regarding his state of mind. Despite offers of aid from Lancashire Constabulary, the Guardians Civil has declined, stating they have sufficient resources for the search.

Family and friends continue to hold hope and are maintaining their presence in Tenerife until there is a resolution. A GoFundMe page has been set up to support the family during this challenging time, with significant funds already raised.