A violent clash erupted between England and Serbia fans ahead of their Euro 2024 football match in Gelsenkirchen, Germany. The incident occurred on Sunday, June 16, 2024, on Weberstrasse, involving a brawl where tables and chairs were thrown. Riot police swiftly arrived, with at least 22 police vans attending the scene.
An eyewitness reported that tension arose when England fans initiated an altercation by attacking Serbian supporters. Footage from the scene depicted men throwing chairs and glasses outside a restaurant decorated with Serbian flags. Both groups engaged in conflict until the riot police intervened, detaining several individuals.
One English fan from Birmingham was observed with a head wound, bleeding as medics attended to him, refusing to provide his identity to the police. The local atmosphere deteriorated, with residents expressing shock as they watched the chaos unfold.
This confrontation took place hours after Hamburg police shot a man armed with an "axe-like object" and a "Molotov cocktail," preceding the city's first Euro 2024 match. The Gelsenkirchen match had been designated as high-risk due to concerns over fan violence, prompting measures such as serving only low-alcohol beer at the stadium. Around 20,000 England fans and 10,000 Serbian fans were anticipated to attend the game.